Friday, December 12, 2008


Despite my natural tendency to procrastinate, I made a commitment to myself for the current project on which I am working.

"I will work consistently hard on my schedule so I am not crunched at the end."

I did this and I finished 4 weeks ahead of schedule. This is great. I overachieved. My managers love the fact that I am ahead of schedule. I worked hard and met all of the quality criteria for the features to which I was assigned.

However, there's a problem. I am now assigned other people's work. This isn't such a bad thing. It makes me look good in that I come off as strong contributor to the team. The problem I am having with this new assignment relates to accountability. I am getting bombarded with requests for information and messages relating to the schedule regarding this final task since we are close to the end of the schedule.

Now, this makes sense. We are close to the end of the project, so many people are curious about a feature that aren't yet complete. The problem is that the feature is entirely new to me, so I need time to ramp up. I did not design the feature. I know little about the feature.

And, oh wait, the main point - I AM DOING SOMEONE ELSE'S WORK FOR THEM. I am afraid that I will have to work long hours and/or weekends at the end of the project to compensate for a task that a co-worked failed to accomplish.

This breaks my strict internal sense of justice. This is unfair. This really pisses me off. However, this hasn't happened yet, so I take deep breaths. The fact that it is in the back of my mind is still aggravating though.

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