So, in what will be the first in a string of probably amusing and/or depressing blog entries, I entered the fray of the online dating world this past week.
First off, why am I doing this? Traditionally, the majority of women I have hit it off with in the past, I have not met via online dating. We met through a friend, at an activity, at a party, at school, etc. However, since leaving the social confines of academics, I realized am not the most outgoing or social person in the world so any avenue which allow me a greater avenue to meet new people is a step in the right direction. I also am appeasing my mother who has been nagging me to do this for years.
I sign up on a few different sites, entering in my profile information (interests, who I am, what I am looking at). I realize at this point that this is immensely difficult. It is very difficult to summarize ME in the span of a few short paragraphs, much less in a honest way that will be interesting or attractive to other people. This is painful.
I put up a few pictures. I tried to post pictures that didn't make me look hideous. However, I was honest about my pictures and posted images that showed what I really look like. No MySpace wierd angle shots. No headshot only shots. No shoulder and above only shots. I wanted people to see me and if they aren't interested, then so be it.
After a few days, I get some interest, but haven't been interested in anyone just yet. Here's the problem. I can't really tell how interesting a person is from their profile alone unless they managed to spend some time crafting their profile. If the profile is not good, then all I have to go by is their pictures. If all I have to go by is their pictures, then it feels sleezy, like I am picking up a mail-order date.
I have been contacted so far by:
* An hot girl who is near jailbait age - She is hot, but I'm looking for someone of substance and closer to my age and experiences in life.
* An interesting women who lives too fucking far away - I did a long distance-ish relationship once and am not eager to go in that direction again.
* Several unattractive women - I feel bad, but if I'm not attracted to them, then what can I do? I've noticed that if a woman doesn't have nice eyes, I am not attracted to them. Every woman/girl I have ever dated (from 1 date to relationships) has had beautiful eyes. A woman with beautiful eyes is very attractive to me.
* Shitty short profile woman - One woman contacted me. She is cute but has the most abrupt and generic profile I have ever seen.
- "I thought I would never be the one to try out online dating!"
- "I enjoy going out on the town as much as staying home in sweats, checking out a movie."
- "I love music!"
Welcome to humanity. In fairness, this might be related to the profiles and how they are difficult to fill out.
* Shitty long profile woman - Some people find long profiles to come off as desperate. I don't necessarily see them in that way and do not do an excessively long profile myself either (more so because I'm not sure what to put down). However, when it comes off as a myspace blog entry or text message with poor grammar, it makes me think the woman is not the sharpest tool in the shed. I'm not so distanced from youth, but presenting yourself well occurs in all forms, even your writing. I'm no nobel laureate of literature, but I can form complete sentences. Ya feel me?
I sometimes think about responding to some women who write me that I may find interesting as a friend, but I am hesistant to do so because sending any message of interest may come off as leading on a dating site. I'll think on this more.
10 months ago
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