Friday, September 19, 2008


Here's a random, interesting site to check out when you have some time to kill. It's a web site that gives short anecdotes to honest questions. It wasn't harsh enough where it seemed like I was a voyeur, peaking in on a confessional. It wasn't so tame where I thought I was reading a one-page sectional in a Reader's Digest.

1 comment:

jt said...

Man, apparently Blogger doesn't allow you to inline link to images in comments.

I think I speak for everyone here when I say WHAT THE FRIG IS THIS CRAPOLA.

I mean, take away the ability to post pictures of giant crows saying BEAST and Norwegian grad students promoting generic-brand Dr. Pepper subsitutes and I seriously have like, NOTHING of import to say.

(imagine a picture here of Captain Picard raising his hand in objection to something with a speech balloon alongside reading "WTF IS THIS SHIT!")

Interesting site in any event. In other news, I decided to start writing at my own pitiful excuse for a blog. Feel free to share your thoughts if the mood strikes you.