I have decided I need to get my house in order. One of the problems I've faced in the past year is falling into old habits and not being as rigid in my discipline as I have in the past. Well, no longer!
I have reverted back to an old routine (is it regression or progression to move back to old, yet positive patterns?) last week. I started to run again. Or rather, I started to walk rigorously, then start running again. For me, running is that caustic friend who busts your balls regularly, but you cherish that friend because they are just keeping you honest.
I want to get to the point where I run a comfortable 8-10 minute mile. An 8-10 minute mile isn't outrageous from an Olympian perspective, but it's decent for me. I run at a good jog, building up my heart rate while disgustingly sweating several gallons of water weight.
Now, what is the goal of running? I want to run for the following reasons:
1. Lose weight. I know there are more low-impact aerobic exercises available to lose weight such as biking or various sporting activities, but I like the solitary pain of running. Although it is more jarring on my joints and bones in the long run, I can accept that due to my enjoyment of the mind over matter aspect of running.
2. Run a 5k race. I'm not looking to break any records or compete to win. It's one of those bucket list events (yes, I said it and I apologize) that I want to complete in my life. I want to finish at a decent time for myself and go from there.
The other activity I am working on is generating lists. My mom didn't suggest this, but she is very sharp when it comes to planning details; so I am trying to channel some of her chi into my day-to-day life by writing down things I need to get done. Simple, but effective.
10 months ago
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