I had a short, yet interesting conversation with a friend this morning about how we use our time. As shown in previous posts, I have had feelings that I have wasted time on silly, release-type activities. I am not so naive to think that all I can do will be filled with productivity, deep meaning, or purpose, but where is the line drawn? It is drawn based on where I choose to draw it, but that's not exceedingly helpful.
The real question is not where I choose to draw it, but why I choose to draw it at that given point.
Then, it starts to get complicated. If I am to spend time on an activity which gives me happiness in the short-term, but prevents both personal and positive progression, is it a helpful activity? Do I choose to indulge in short-term enjoyment because there is something personal and positive there? Or am I choosing to partake as an escape from the difficulty of more long-term creative pursuits? The answer isn't one or the other, but some murky gray (OCD note - apologies to the grey colour afficianados) area.
I don't know, but I have an idea. I just wish ideas came to me more quickly.
10 months ago
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