Friday, February 27, 2009

Minor revelations

No major revelations today. Taking a quiz to pass time. Forgive me.

ho was the last perso​n of the oppos​ite sex to text you?
Probably P. The better questions to ask is what was the meaning of your last text message and did you welcome to message with open mind and open heart?

Can you make yours​elf sneez​e?
I can if I pluck nostril hair. I don't want to give the impression that I have a small chimpanzee in my nostrils, but once a year I have the impetus to groom my nose hair and place my best foot forward. It's a little known fact that grooming your nose hair is one of the best methods to placing your best foot forward. However, no, I don't know which of my feet is the best foot.

What is your curre​nt mood?

What are you doing​ tomor​row?
Errands, taxes, and getting my hair styled. For those uncomfortable with my choice of words there, I am getting a hair cut.

Do you think​ you would​ make a good boyfr​iend/​​​girlf​riend​?
I don't know. :/ Awkward, frowny face! I think if I found the right person to share life with, then we would be good for each other.

Where​ were you at 9am this morni​ng?
Arriving at work, saying hello to the receptionist who for some reason thinks I am extremely shy and ignore her intentionally. Most of the time, thoughts like these are in my own head and not actual reality, but she has explicitly said such things which in turn makes me shy when interacting with her and choose to ignore her... intentionally.

Whose​ bedro​om were you in last?

Who was the last perso​n in your room?

Why do you feel the way you feel?
This question is so broad as to be worthless. If referring to one of the previous questions, I feel impatient because it is Friday and I desperately want to be done with work for the week. If the question is referring to how I feel the way I feel the majority of time, this is a more complicated question relating to years and years of physical, emotional, and psychological scars. Sorry, was that a downer? Cheers!

Who was the last perso​n you yelle​d at?
Bobby Jindal, who although he didn't hear me, unconsciously determined I was yelling about his robot like delivery in the Republican response during this year's State of the Nation speech. I'm liberal in many ways, but conservative in others. Don't distract people from the points in your speech by coming off creepy. This is something you probably knew before being voted Governor.

What does your last messa​ge in your inbox​ say? Who sent it?
I can't say for reasons of privacy. Sorry world!

What are you liste​ning to right​ now?
Some song on Pandora: Everybody Get Up (Circuit Breaker Remix) by Transformer Man.

How has the week been?

Is there​ somet​hing you wish you could​ tell someo​ne but can’​​​t?
Yes, but fear or self-loathing prevents it. :( Cheers! In fairness, the last thing I remember in regards to this question was calling my Dad to tell him that I appreciate him but I was unable to get in contact with him.

Do you sleep​ with the TV on?
No, I can't sleep well with the television running or computer fans buzzing in the background. It usually gives me a really bad night of sleep.

Are you too forgi​ving?
No. If anything, I hold grudges, but I have improved on this quite a bit. I'd say I'm average on the scale of offering forgiveness.

Where​ are your paren​ts right​ now?
Several hundred miles away.

Who do you miss?
Good friends.

What was the last thing​ you put in your mouth​?
Loaded question, but the answer is an overripe banana.

If you could​ have any car what would​ it be?
I don't know. I'm not particularly big into cars. Something with good gas mileage that would be reliable and relatively easy on the eyes. I'm easy to please.

What are you stres​sed out about​?

How many windo​ws are open on your compu​ter?
Nine windows over two monitors! I need bigger monitors and more of them.

In the past week have you gotte​n sick?
No. I am strong like bull and as healthy as an ox. I do not look like a bull or an ox, but you can make whatever internal mental thoughts of my powerful virility in association with the mental and spiritual images of those animals.

In the past week have you gotte​n a hair cut?
No, but I am going for a hair cut tomorrow.

How many myspa​ce profi​les have you had?
One, and I strongly am thinking about deleting it because I don't get messages from friends anymore. I do get messages, but they are usually from strippers or webcam whores. I'm a guy and fully fall into many male stereotypes, but that isn't the kind of social network I am actively looking to develop.

What do you do with most of your time?
I focus on work, sleep, self-improvement, and improving on ways to be vague.

How many cloth​es do you have in your close​t?
Enough to clothe myself, but not as many as I probably need.

On a scale​ of 1-10 how good is life?
5. MEDIOCRITY. Who needs overachievement or even underachievement?

Do you think​ you’​​​ll be a good mothe​r/​​​fathe​r?
I think so. I'm pretty good with kids and I fully welcome to opportunity to evilly mold and nurture a mini-me. I would not make a good mother though and that's something I just have to accept and live with.

How did you feel when you woke up?
Why can't I have a good night's sleep?! UGDFHUGGFUGUGHGHUG. I can't phrase it better than that. I feel "UGDFHUGGFUGUGHGHUG".

How is your hair?
It's a beautiful meadow of lustrous beauty.

Name somet​hing great​ that happe​ned Satur​day?
I exercised for over an hour and didn't feel exceptionally tired. My feet hurt though. I need to wear thicker socks.

Do you like your life as of now?
I like certain parts of my life and dislike other parts of it. I am striving to become better, faster, harder, and stronger. I more or less want to be some sort of super-human robot who can crush things. What things? I don't know, but the crushing part is important.

Do you wish someo​ne would​ call or text you right​ now?
No, I am leaving shortly and don't want to be distracted!

Do you regre​t doing​ somet​hing in the past week?
Yes, but it's nothing major. Everytime I see a question about regrets it makes me think about when some people say they have no regrets because those bad events made them into the person they are today. I usually mentally dry heave when thinking about this response and the selfishness that I associate with it. This thought is brought forward in my mind every time someone mentions the word regret without fail. I consider this fact a positive source of strength.

Do you drink​ coffe​e?
No. I'm not a coffee drinker, rarely drink tea (one or two cups per year), nor soda. I drink water and lots of it. I aggravate waiters and waitresses consistently as restaurants with the amount of water I consume. I humbly apologize to the service industry.

What were you doing​ 20 minut​es ago?
This survey. It is slowly rotting my brain from the inside. Wait -> "UGDFHUGGFUGUGHGHUG".

What were you doing​ yeste​rday at midni​ght?
Sleeping. I was tired last night and went to sleep early.

What can’​​​t you wait for?
I have an unnatural ability to grind things out when I am dedicated to them. I only have trouble waiting for things when I notice no progress in achieving them.

Who was the last perso​n’​​​s voice​ you heard​ over the phone​?
This page is intentionally left blank.

When is your birth​day?

Do you get along​ with girls​?
No way! Icky! I get along with people who I like and am polite enough to get along with people I am indifferent to. I do not get along with people I dislike. To summarize, I'm similar to almost everyone else on the planet.

Do you like surpr​ises?
This depends on the surprise and who is giving it. I would be unpleasantly surprised under the following circumstance. Imagine myself, walking down a narrow street in lower Manhattan. I am strolling along when, all of the sudden, a man pops out and stabs me with a knife, exclaiming, "Surprise!". Yes, unpleasant surprise.

Plans​ for this weeke​nd?
Hair cut, call family, and taxes.

Are you liste​ning to any music​?

How many peopl​e of the oppos​ite sex do you fully​ trust​?
I can't answer this question without incriminating myself. :)

When was the last time you laugh​ed reall​y hard?
I watched the YouTube Office clip where Dwight Schrute was showing the rest of the office on how to perform CPR.

Do you ever keep argui​ng even when you know you’r​e wrong​?
Rarely and I do it to be an asshole. There, I've said it. I did say rarely. :)

Do you have or want any pierc​ings?

What is your favor​ite numbe​r?

Ever flush​ed a fish?
Yes. My first pet was a goldfish that committed suicide because the tank was open and filled too high with water. It was that point in my life where I realized how precious and fragile life truly was. I'm kidding. In reality, I was six or seven years old and thought it was interesting and amusing watching a fish spiral down a toilet.

Do you belie​ve every​ one deser​ves a secon​d chanc​e?
Everyone deserves the chance to redeem themselves, but not everyone deserves that chance immediately or completely in scope.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Following up on yesterdays post, I thought I would share another story which helped shape me into who I am today.

My parents divorced at a very young age. I was less than a year old at the time so I don't remember the messy details of the divorce itself. In my formative years, I grew up without my father present. As I approached by pre-teenager years, my Mom pushed me to join the boy scouts. I wore the uniform, attended meetings to gain badges, attended events to race woodworked boxcars and perform group songs.

My father had re-entered my life at this time, attempting to sew a new and real relationship with me. We started small, meeting Sunday mornings to eat at the local diner for a late breakfast - myself, my sister, and my father. He usually had a plate of eggs and bacon with toast. I usually liked the choice of a bagel with a cheese omelette. Afterwards, we would catch the Sunday matinee. He allowed me to see my first 'R'-rated movie - something my Mom strictly opposed during my early upbringing.

I continued attending scouts once per week and eventually I planned to attend one of the scout jamborees. The jamboree was just a fancy name where scout troops (groups of boys with their scoutmaster) would gather together at a large campground. The intention was to play games, sports, hike, sing songs, and camp out in the wilderness. I was still young and like many of the other boys in my troop, my father came along with me. We participated in some sporting events, hiked, performed a group song, and roasted marshmallows.

Eventually, we decided to turn in for the night. We were laid out in sleeping bags for the entire night with no easy ground on which to sleep. I ended up having a horrible night, my back sore from sleeping on uneven rocky ground and, in turn, dreading another night of camping with that much discomfort.

My Dad and I exited our tent and saw a bunch of troops huddled around a morning campfire, stewing up oatmeal and vegetarian baked beans. Previous to this point, my mind thought of this morning breakfast as authentically rustic, something cowboys would do in the wild west. In reality, appeared like unappetizing, slimy gruel.

Outside the tent, my Dad must have been observing my dissatisfaction. I turned to him and, at the same time, he turned to me and said, "Screw it. Let's get out of here and head to the nearest diner." I remember thinking and wanting the same thing. We departed the campground and did not return for the following night. That was my last night of being a scout, and the start of my general dislike for camping. Howver, it was also one of many countless weekends I had with my father, eating breakfast and sharing company for the rest of the day.

Periodically, I think back to the shared realization we had when we turned towards one another in unison - agreeing to bail on the camping event. That was the first point in my life where I realized I truly was my Father's son.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Revelation 1

I was reading some old favorites posts on MetaFilter. One post asked the question as to what events helped shape your life. I thought I would share in turn.

I met the first girl I had ever truly fell in love with at a party filled with friends, acquaintances, and friends of friends. She was pretty and had a corny girlish charm to her which interested me. At the end of the long night, everyone had either left and those who had not were passed out from excessive alcohol. She was half-asleep, crashing on the living room couch and I remember laying a blanket on her before I took off.

Once we became a couple, she later told me that she laid down on the couch, not because she was tired, but because she wanted me to sit/lay down next to her. She told me that she was annoyed that I didn't make a move that night and that she immediately threw the blanket off her after I exited the apartment because it was excessively hot in the apartment. I laughed, thinking back to the acting she did, pretending to be somewhat asleep.

I had always thought I could read people easily before that point and it changed my perspective on how little I actually know about how other people are feeling and how to relate to them more closely.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The push-up

I have been on a health-kick for the past half-year, focusing on running. I found a great site on pushups with a plan I am going to try out.

Attempting to find and maintain motivation.

Monday, February 23, 2009


I have had one cigarette in my life and nearly coughed up a lung in response to the experience. As such, I can't relate to the feeling some of my smoker friends have described in terms of craving or hungering for another nicotine fix.

Sometimes I wonder if it is the feeling I get when I feel hungry. Am I truly hungry, or is it just weakness in my mind? I find it occurs more frequently when I am bored or my mind isn't occupied which makes sense. The problem is differentiating between actual hunger and the underlying habits buried in my brain.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

This is why you're fat

Saved for future reference and amusement...