Friday, June 12, 2009

Good hair

As a guy, I don't think about this too often, but I am having alternating luck with my hair. Consider the following:

Monday: Bad hair day
Tuesday: Good hair day
Wednesday: Bad hair day
Thursday: Good hair day
Friday: Bad hair day

I have decided to get a haircut this weekend in order to stem the tide of hair uncertainty.

Now that I got that out of the way, it's not gone unnoticed that I took a break from serious blogging recently. Normally, when I blog of something of importance, it is because I want to clear some space in my head by reasoning things out in writing. It brings me some clarity. I have been feeling fairly clear-headed over the past month or so. Don't get me wrong. There are still things in my life I want to improve on, but I am progressing nicely in those areas. I feel like there is a combination of comfort. I am comfortable with where I am and also comforted by the various possibilities in my life. I feel exceptionally self-aware right now and that, honestly, feels pretty good.

That was pretty exhausting. It's the end of the week and I want to take a nap.


Anonymous said...

Naps are good...

jt said...

What is a "good hair day"? I am intrigued by this concept and would like to experience it some day.

Clarity is good. Did anything in particular bring on this recent epiphany? If so, do share, because I am in dire need of the same.


seppyk said...

Naps are good!

A good hair day involves me looking stylish without my hair collapsing in on itself or having excessive random strandage.

My epiphany wasn't really an epiphany at all. I just think it's all about being patient and being ok with that.