Saturday, August 29, 2009

Abstract factory

A good article on uses of the Builder and Abstract Factory software design patterns. This helped clarify some ideas I couldn't get out of my head this weekend. Work has been long and hard, which, in turn, means I'm having a harder problem in getting work out of my head.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Social cues

I had an interesting encounter at work where a new co-worker gave a strong, contested opinion to management without picking up on or feeling out the social dynamic of our work group. Needless to say, many of my co-workers were quite peeved by the comments.

It got me to think about how to approach the new co-worker in a gentle fashion to give him a heads up that he was commenting on a very sensitive work topic and that his comments, in particular, were not received well.

It also got me thinking how it's not my battle to fight and he's on his own to learn his own lessons.

I'm not sure which road to take here.

Monday, July 6, 2009


My knees. They currently hurt. That is all.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


So I attended the Cambridge Symphony Orchestra's annual pops concert this past weekend. It originally was supposed to be held outside at Sennott Park near Central Square, but being that it was overcast the entire month of June, the organizers decided to move it indoors to a nearby youth center.

It was a good time. They ended up playing medleys from Broadway musicals like West Side Story and Chicago. I haven't seen West Side Story since I was in middle school and I've never seen Chicago, but it still was enjoyable. They also played a medley of Star Trek music which brought a little inner geek enjoyment out of me. They closed it out by having a symphonic narrative in respect to the African-American poet Phyllis Wheatley. It was good in an avant-garde way. I have to find more events like this since it was a nice change of pace.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


There's a lot that I can say about this weekend, but I need some time to gain some perspective to discuss it more concretely. Some things I learned about myself:

1. Despite my ongoing internal dialogue, my initial estimation is usually the correct one. In other words, my instincts are usually correct.
2. If someone is funny and an asshole, then they are exactly that. They are funny, but they are also an asshole. Finding funny people isn't as easy as one may think. Also, trust your instincts and stay away from the dicks. People who routinely find trouble are to be avoided.
3. I can drink a lot of beer.
4. I can appreciate good musical technique even if the output is not as interesting to me.
5. I am not into illegal drug use on any level, even recreationally.
6. I received an e-mail from a close friend and then had a good long discussion with him. It helped me understand how to define what a close friend really is and is not.
7. I am not as socially practiced as many other people, but this does not correlate to me being an idiot.
8. I am comfortable with who I am, what I have accomplished, and where I am going.
9. I need a new mobile phone, but I don't want massive features on it, nor do I have any need or desire to be eternally connected.

I feel motivated for the upcoming week of work, which is a feeling I needed.


Thanks to JT for keeping it real in a world of hypocrites and bastards. That was well needed.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Good hair

As a guy, I don't think about this too often, but I am having alternating luck with my hair. Consider the following:

Monday: Bad hair day
Tuesday: Good hair day
Wednesday: Bad hair day
Thursday: Good hair day
Friday: Bad hair day

I have decided to get a haircut this weekend in order to stem the tide of hair uncertainty.

Now that I got that out of the way, it's not gone unnoticed that I took a break from serious blogging recently. Normally, when I blog of something of importance, it is because I want to clear some space in my head by reasoning things out in writing. It brings me some clarity. I have been feeling fairly clear-headed over the past month or so. Don't get me wrong. There are still things in my life I want to improve on, but I am progressing nicely in those areas. I feel like there is a combination of comfort. I am comfortable with where I am and also comforted by the various possibilities in my life. I feel exceptionally self-aware right now and that, honestly, feels pretty good.

That was pretty exhausting. It's the end of the week and I want to take a nap.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Giant sharks

Funny clip found online from hack movie script writers...

What are most people afraid of when flying? The takeoffs? Landings? Turbulence? Power failure? Bad weather? No. GIANT FUCKING SHARKS.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Child abuse

I was watching a short spot of television this morning while enjoying my delicious and nutritious bowl of Shredded Wheat cereal when I viewed the following commercial:

This was so funny and sad at the same time. I usually am a habitual channel changer during commercial breaks, but this was a good set of advertising.

It reminded me of one of Jack Handy's classic Deep Thoughts...

If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Things I will never eat

A new series in my blog...

Things I will never eat: I was watching the Travel Channel and saw a corndog cone. Just no.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


I was exhausted when I went to sleep last night. I couldn't sleep much. Now, I am awake and am exhausted again, but I can't get back to bed. What the shit.

Friday, May 29, 2009

The Dentist - Part 1

I had a fantastic appointment at the dentist today. I do mean that. The cleaning went smoothly. They gave me novacaine. I can't feel my face right now and I think I accidentally bit my tongue and won't feel the pain for another few hours. I tried using a mouthwash to clean out some bacteria. When you have no feeling on the entire right side of your face, keeping liquid in your mouth is a challenge. I tried to accomplish this feat and hilarity ensued.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Appreciation for Honesty

It's rare to have refreshing honesty in life. Let me share a personal anecdote.

I moved into a shared house when I was away for school. It was shared between me and two other guys. One of the housemates left after the fall semester as he graduated early. I liked the final housemate, but we never really hung out.

After the spring semester, when he was moving out to drive to Washington, D.C. and his new life. We didn't know each other well enough to keep in touch. I said a brief goodbye and instead of saying goodbye, he replied, "Well... have a nice life!"

I wasn't offended at all by this blunt, and, to some, offensive farewell. It was actually amazingly refreshing. I laughed and went on with my day. His comment remains with me to this day as it had a lasting impression on me. I hope he is doing well.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tuscan Milk

To further add to yesterday's epic post, consider the following glorious review of:

Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gallon, 128 fl oz

Chateau du Lait Blanc, watch out!

"One should not be intimidated by Tuscan Whole Milk. Nor should one prejudge, despite the fact that Tuscan is non-vintage and comes in such large containers. Do not be fooled: this is not a jug milk. I always find it important to taste milk using high-quality stemware -- this is milk deserving of something better than a Flintstones plastic tumbler. One should pour just a small dollop and swirl it in the glass -- note the coating and look for clots or discoloration. And the color -- it should be opaque, and very, very white. Now, immerse your nose in the glass and take a whiff. Tuscan transports you instantly to scenic hill towns in central Italy (is that Montepulciano I detect?) --- there is the loamy clay, the green grass of summer days, the towering cypress. And those gentle hints of Italian flowers -- wild orchids, sunflowers, poppies. Then, one takes in the thick liquid and lets it roll across and under the tongue -- what is that? perhaps a hint of a nutty Edam cheese? With Tuscan, you feel the love of every dairyperson involved -- from the somewhat sad and deranged farmhand shovelling steaming cowpies to the bored union milk maiden dreaming of leaving this soul crushing life behind for a job waiting tables for obnoxious American tourists in Siena. But not too fast -- sip gently, slowly, or one is in danger of not only missing the subtleties of the milk's texture and its terroir, but -- if chilled too long -- also of giving oneself a blinding ice cream headache. Nay, savor the goodness that only dairymen and dairywomen working at the apex of their craft can deliver. Tuscan is best drunk young -- no, no, don't cellar this gem -- I guarantee you'll be sorry if you do. I recommend pairing with freshly baked macadamia nut scones. Milk Expectorator gives this one a 92." - Philip Tone

Of course, this goes well with yet another review comment on yesterday's post on the Three Wolf T-Shirt...

"I accidentally spilled a glass of Tuscan Whole Milk down the front of this shirt, and my soul was torn from my body and thrown into heaven by a jealous God." - Chaon

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Zubaz pants is currently being flooded by a number of viral reviewers for funny items sold on the site. The 4chan /b/tards have been crapflooding the site with pretty humorous reviews. A few snippets:

Zubaz Pants

"I call these my Cock Fight pants. I know what you are thinking, why Cock Fight? Why not Zebra Fight pants? Here, let me explain:

The first time I wore these pants, I tried to capture the spirit of the animal print from which they came: the Zebracorn (50% Zebra / 50% Unicorn = 100% real. See Google). I would wear these pants with nothing more than Crocs on my feet and hair on my chest, and prance around the block like the mighty, legendary Zebracorn. It was kind of like skipping, using an intermittent hop, kind of a gallop. Yes, definitely a gallop. And I held my hands in front of my chest like I wasn't exactly sure what to do with them. People would ask if I was gay as I pranced around. I'd smile, wave, and wish them a happy day too. Then one day my friend explained to me that those people used a redefined meaning of that word. I didn't know they did that! (Change word meanings, I mean.)" - J.C. Murphy

Three Wolf Moon T-Shirt

"I purchased this shirt with the intention of giving it to my father. I knew he would feel it was fabulous and wear it with proud distinction. What I did not anticipate was the compelling gaze of Wolf #3. Upon opening the package I was instantly enraptured by its eyes and knew without a moment's doubt that my father could not have this t-shirt. It had to be mine.

Fate mocked me, however, for the gift arrived on Father's Day and I had no choice but to give it to him.

The anguish I was forced to endure was beyond the most savage of torments Hell could bestow upon the lowliest of mortals. What choice was I given? I murdered my father in a fit of jealous rage.

I sometimes pay a prostitute to wear the t-shirt and visit me in prison just so I can look lovingly upon it." - Brandon Patterson

Friday, May 15, 2009

Unknown state of being

One of the few readers of my blog site mentioned they wanted me to update the site. I haven't updated in about a week or so because honestly, I couldn't think of anything of interest to write about. Life is ok. There are things I would like to improve, but I am working on them (trying out more and more new things, being more social, general health). I consider myself fairly happy.

I like the feeling of being in a relationship, but I am not in a hurry to do so either if that makes any sense. I am comfortable meeting new people with the intention of learning more about them and becoming friends and if something more develops than I will be pleasantly surprised.

So far I seem to attract older women and gay men in my newly started online dating scene adventures. This is strange.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Weight update

I hit my first magic number this past Friday, but still have a ways to go.

1st magic number - BMI benchmark
* Original estimate: May 15, 2009
* Projected estimate: May 1, 2009
* Actual: May 1, 2009

2nd magic number - Initial goal
* Original estimate: July 10, 2009
* Projected estimate: June 19, 2009

3rd magic number - Lowest weight in ages
* Original estimate: July 17, 2009
* Projected estimate: June 26, 2009

4th magic number - Middle goal
* Original estimate: September 18, 2009
* Projected estimate: August 14, 2009

5th magic number - BMI benchmark
* Original estimate: September 25, 2009
* Projected estimate: August 21, 2009

6th magic number - Final goal
* Original estimate: October 23, 2009
* Projected estimate: September 11, 2009

My stomach is starting to get flat. I need to lose weight from my gut, waist, butt, and thighs. Pretty much the majority of my weight is currently sitting in my core which makes sense. When a person puts on weight, they usually put it on the core areas first (mentioned above), so when a person loses weight, this area gets more affected last.

Go, go, go...

Monday, May 4, 2009

Online dating

So, in what will be the first in a string of probably amusing and/or depressing blog entries, I entered the fray of the online dating world this past week.

First off, why am I doing this? Traditionally, the majority of women I have hit it off with in the past, I have not met via online dating. We met through a friend, at an activity, at a party, at school, etc. However, since leaving the social confines of academics, I realized am not the most outgoing or social person in the world so any avenue which allow me a greater avenue to meet new people is a step in the right direction. I also am appeasing my mother who has been nagging me to do this for years.

I sign up on a few different sites, entering in my profile information (interests, who I am, what I am looking at). I realize at this point that this is immensely difficult. It is very difficult to summarize ME in the span of a few short paragraphs, much less in a honest way that will be interesting or attractive to other people. This is painful.

I put up a few pictures. I tried to post pictures that didn't make me look hideous. However, I was honest about my pictures and posted images that showed what I really look like. No MySpace wierd angle shots. No headshot only shots. No shoulder and above only shots. I wanted people to see me and if they aren't interested, then so be it.

After a few days, I get some interest, but haven't been interested in anyone just yet. Here's the problem. I can't really tell how interesting a person is from their profile alone unless they managed to spend some time crafting their profile. If the profile is not good, then all I have to go by is their pictures. If all I have to go by is their pictures, then it feels sleezy, like I am picking up a mail-order date.

I have been contacted so far by:

* An hot girl who is near jailbait age - She is hot, but I'm looking for someone of substance and closer to my age and experiences in life.
* An interesting women who lives too fucking far away - I did a long distance-ish relationship once and am not eager to go in that direction again.
* Several unattractive women - I feel bad, but if I'm not attracted to them, then what can I do? I've noticed that if a woman doesn't have nice eyes, I am not attracted to them. Every woman/girl I have ever dated (from 1 date to relationships) has had beautiful eyes. A woman with beautiful eyes is very attractive to me.
* Shitty short profile woman - One woman contacted me. She is cute but has the most abrupt and generic profile I have ever seen.
- "I thought I would never be the one to try out online dating!"
- "I enjoy going out on the town as much as staying home in sweats, checking out a movie."
- "I love music!"

Welcome to humanity. In fairness, this might be related to the profiles and how they are difficult to fill out.
* Shitty long profile woman - Some people find long profiles to come off as desperate. I don't necessarily see them in that way and do not do an excessively long profile myself either (more so because I'm not sure what to put down). However, when it comes off as a myspace blog entry or text message with poor grammar, it makes me think the woman is not the sharpest tool in the shed. I'm not so distanced from youth, but presenting yourself well occurs in all forms, even your writing. I'm no nobel laureate of literature, but I can form complete sentences. Ya feel me?

I sometimes think about responding to some women who write me that I may find interesting as a friend, but I am hesistant to do so because sending any message of interest may come off as leading on a dating site. I'll think on this more.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Melee weapons

While talking with a friend last night, he asked me:

"If you had to fight and could only have one type of melee weapon, what weapon would you choose?"

I originally mentioned I would use a longsword due its versatility.

He mentioned he would choose a crowbar or a baseball bat. I said that his choice makes more sense since there is a smaller learning curve towards using a crowbar or baseball bat.

Since that point, I have changed my answer to motorized chainsaw. It seems like it would be easy to manage and good for offense or defense.

These are important questions people.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More IM Randomness

cnite: i'll give you my coconut cashew cookie recipie
seppyk: ok
seppyk: that sounds fancy
cnite: so easy
cnite: seriously
cnite: but i'm willing to share if you don't pass it along
seppyk: that's pretty awesome
seppyk: i will not pass it along
seppyk: i said the same thing to colonel sanders
cnite: hahaha
cnite: i'm going to tell you the biggest secret of all my baking/cooking
cnite: the secret ingredient?
cnite: its love
seppyk: butter
seppyk: fuck, close
cnite: when i'm feeling good about the people i'm making it for or in a good/happy mood
cnite: it all comes out so much better
seppyk: so if i have no love in my heart, i will not be baking coconut cashew deliciousness, but lumps of coal
cnite: pretty much

IM'ing keeps me sanely insane.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Random thoughts about my vacation to Japan:

1. There are very few trash can or trash receptacles on the city streets of Tokyo. This makes throwing out trash difficult.

2. There are many vending machines... everywhere. They serve the following most commonly: beer, coffee, coffee derivatives, tea, tea derivatives, soda, water, and sports drinks (Pocari Sweat). I know you enjoy a good bottle of sweat when you want to quench your thirst.

3. Japanese-styled crepes make authentic French crepe-makers cringe. Japanese crepes consist of a dough wrapping filled with whipped cream, chocolate, yogurt, fruit, and/or ice cream. And sometimes a mixture of tuna, mayonnaise, mozzarella cheese, and tomato pizza sauce all at once.

4. Japanese are much more slender and skinny than Americans on average. This made me feel fatter than usual.

5. Japanese are shorter than Americans on average. This made me feel taller than usual.

6. Japanese women tend to wear more makeup than American women. This makes them look more youthful (albeit artificially). I'm not a good judge of age in general, but when I was looking at eye candy on the streets of Tokyo, I was always wondering if I was looking at a 40 year old woman or a teenager.

7. The ero kawaii style (sexy cute) of many young Japanese women. Thanks for the eye candy ladies. This style consists of one of the following:
* High heel shoes, leg-length stockings, extremely short ruffled skirt.
* High heel shoes, knee-high stockings or knee-high socks, extremely short ruffled skirt.
* High heeled knee-high boots, extremely short ruffled skirt.

8. Lack of eye contact. Eye contact is much more subtle and quick in Japan than in the States. I think this may be due to a combination of shyness and the culture of respecting personal comfort. I got the impression that Japanese tend to stick with their own friends and family in public to a higher degree in comparison to the U.S. It is difficult to explain, but consider this final thought - Several times, I experienced a strange feeling of isolation even when walking down an extremely crowded street in Shinjuku. I had an empty feeling in regards to the acknowledgment of my existence.

9. Many Japanese cover their mouths when they smile or laugh. This seems more cultural than anything else. Is this done to prevent breathing or accidentally spitting on other nearby people?

10. Bad teeth. Japanese have comparable levels of dental hygiene in comparison to any other collection of people with first-world dental care. That is to say, I noticed people with perfect teeth and bad teeth just like in the States.

11. Nato, a fermented (read: rotting) soy bean covered in hot mustard and a raw egg smells like death and, unshockingly, tastes like it as well. Some people, including my dining company, enjoyed it. They can have my portion. Enjoy.

12. I can get convenience-level maki sushi (8 - 12 pieces of seaweed wrapped sushi) for anywhere between $2-$4 US dollars in Japan. It tasted good.

13. The rumors regarding cost of living in Tokyo is overrated as far as I could observe. It wasn't as expensive or was equal in general cost to any other big city I have visited or lived in. That isn't to say it is cheap overall, but it is manageable.

14. It is easy to get relatively healthy snack food (yakitori skewered chicken or sushi) for cheap. If the U.S. had this more available in addition to candy bars, hot dogs, or fast food, I think it would be easier to maintain or lose weight.

15. Riding the train is fun and easy, although slightly overpriced. Maybe the price would not be as bad if I got one of the better deals as a resident. I really enjoyed going around the city without needing a car. This makes me want to have better access to public transportation. Passengers also tend to be more well-mannered and the cars are cleaner than U.S. public transportation that I have used. Many U.S. citizens should learn from this rather than shitting on our own doorstep.

16. Lack of engagement. Japanese will not engage foreigners as much as U.S. residents will. I only was engaged a handful of times in my stay either by people who wanted to practice their English with me or via a friend. I think this is because many Japanese do not speak English and are embarassed or have no desire to do so. The U.S. is a huge melting pot with many ethnicities and groups living together. Japan is much more homogeneous. Before knowing someone, a Japanese person will assume a foreigner does not speak Japanese, but a U.S. person will probably assume an ethnic person does speak English. I think this led to some of the lack of engagement. It also made me miss the U.S.

17. Many Japanese women are very attractive, but I remember missing the boldness and confidence of American girls.

18. Whale bacon tastes bad.

19. Whale steak tastes good! I also heard an argument on how Greenpeace and its derivative organizations can be considered eco-terrorists for disturbing Japanese whaling endeavors.

20. Sushi is good. Why is it so expensive in the U.S.? Balls.

21. Smoke filled bars, restaurants, arcades made me miss smokeless bars, restaurants, and arcades. I had forgotten what it was like to come home smelling like an ashtray.

22. Engrish is funny and is very much in full effect in Tokyo.

23. I observed many Japanese men trim or shave their eyebrows as a form of style. I find this style somewhat effeminate on men but taste is a matter of taste.

24. Many common Japanese eateries tend to having counter-style seating rather than table or booth seating. This is due to the more common need to serve single business patrons who want to come in, eat, and leave rather than parties. It was a refreshing change eating more in a community style even if people tend to keep more to themselves as a whole.

25. Whenever I saw a foreigner, I could not help but to look at them. When I am in the U.S., this was never the case for me because there are so many different types of ethnicities and backgrounds on a day-to-day basis.

26. Urban neon sprawl is both amazingly ugly and strangely beautiful at the same time.

I probably have more, but that's all for now folks.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Feast of Sushi

Note: I love the fact I can get 12 pieces of good tasting sushi for 2 dollars at the local store here in Japan.

People here are skinnier in general than in the States and I think a lot of it has to do with the better availability of cheap nutritious asian food in the corner shops and stores (salads, sushi, riceballs, etc.). I would love to be able to get a tuna riceball wrapped in seaweed at the local corner stone in the States rather than a hamburger and fries sometimes.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I have three scars on my face. Seeing how I am without a lot of content to write about, I figured I would write about how I got each one of them in chronological order.

Over my left eye - I got this one when I was very young. I couldn't have been more than 7 or 8 years old. I was playing on the outdoors jungle gym outside of a temple (I was raised Jewish). The jungle gym was a layered set of metal rings. These days, outdoor parks and jungle gyms are made a little more kid-safe. In my day, I climbed on high metal rings that were set on fire with gasoline. The only escape being a raised set of razor wire that a brave kid could use to rappel away from the burning heap of ringed metal using ungloved hands. Or at least, that's how I envision it. Anyhow, I lost my grip, falling down the center of the ringed metal contraption and slammed my head over my left eye against the metal frame. It hurt. I got stitches and remember being in wonder of how they more or less used by skin as fabric, sewing together the seam.

On my chin - Again, when I was young, I have a small scar on the left side of my chin when I had a mole removed for plastic surgery. It was a pretty nasty looking mole. One of those moles that hairs grow out of and I couldn't hide or mask it since it was on my FACE. That wasn't the main reason for having the surgery though. I actually was having a pre-cancerous birthmark removed from my chest area. I was conscious the entire time and remember the surreal feeling of my skin being tugged and pulled apart in unnatural ways. The local anaethesia worked, but I could feel the nerves of my skin in the unaffected areas going off as the procedure took place. As an added benefit, when people ask me about the scar on my chest, I can say in a deadpan voice that it was from that mugging/stabbing incident. The look I receive after saying this is usually priceless. It never gets old.

Over my right eye - I seem to have a habit of getting brutally wounded over my eyes, yet not grossly affecting my overall vision. I consider scars to be a ugly, yet charming form of character-building, so this is sort of a win-win. I received this bad boy when apple picking in New York with my family. At the apple orchard, they were giving out these long apple pickers. Essentially, they are polearms that can be used to chop off apples from higher portions of the tree since the lower portion is usually barren due to easy pickings. My mom decided to treat the polearm-like apple picker as an apple picker on my face... by accident of course. She swung it around and slashed the hell out of my eye. I immediately put my hand over my eye in pain as blood started to gush. She immediately when into full-blown panic, thinking she just slashed out my eye. I remember bending back slightly to deflect the blow. Lucky I have quick reflexes!

Monday, April 6, 2009

A meh survey

1) When you were 5 what did you want to be when you grew up?

I remember wanting to be a astronaut or get into advertising. I was impressionable.

2) What was the coolest gift you've ever received?

I can't say I remember a single cool gift. I'm not big into receiving gifts, but I enjoy giving them. Most things that I want I buy myself. I guess if I had to choose something it's when we got a 286 computer when I was a wee lad.

3) What's your favorite icecream flavor?

Peanut butter chocolate chip cookie dough. The only thing which could make it more awesome would be if it had chocolate fudge swirls in it. It's got the creamy peanut butter chocolate ice cream taste with the softness of the cookie dough and the crunch of the chocolate chips. Fantastic!

4) If money was no object, what would the one place you'd like to see the most? Who would you take with you?

This is two questions in one. I guess I'd like to go visit Italy, specifically Rome. Who would I take with me? No idea.

5) Can you pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time? Roll your tongue?

Yes and yes. I just need to find a way to make these skills marketable.

6) Do you believe that global warming is real?

Yes, but there is a lot we still do not know in regards to global shifts in climate change. Evidence tends to support that human activity has had significant effects on climate and how it affects our environment.

7) Do you like kids? Want them some day?

Yes and someday... maybe. :) It's sort of like being offered a suitcase of money. You don't really know if you'll take it or believe it until you have the suitcase in front of you. I imagine when the time is right, I will know for sure.

8) If you could have any super power, what would you want to have? What would your superhero costume look like?

Teleportation, assuming I can teleport myself and other things along with me. This would be amazingly useful in so many different ways. My superhero "costume" would consist of a t-shirt and jeans. If it helps, I could wear a bandana with eye cutouts around my head to hide my real identity.

9) Blue pens? Black Pens? or Pencils?

Black pens for permanance. Pencils for working things out.

10) If your girlfriend/wife told you she wanted to make out with a girl, would you be ok with it? Or would you consider it cheating on you?

It depends on the context and the significant other. This is a loaded question.

Friday, April 3, 2009

IM Trash

More IM trash. It's a slow news day.

gby: nice
gby: you got a 8 pack?
seppyk: i have a one pack man
gby: I been working on my cuts the last couple weeks
gby: I've thrown down the gauntlet
gby: I want the most bad ass six pack ever
seppyk: you want to wash clothes on your abs
gby: I want people to be able to grab onto each of my abs and do pullups
seppyk: that would be either amazing or disgusting
seppyk: your abs could function as sideroad warnings on highways
seppyk: it would make loud noises as cars rode over them
gby: yep
gby: I want to get the back six pack
gby: the lower back cuts
seppyk: i want to be able to have a six pack on my feet
seppyk: my feet are all bandaged and wrapped right now
seppyk: because i run so much
seppyk: im like the ultimate warrior
gby: nice, yellow and pink bandages?
seppyk: no, he-man bandages
seppyk: i've got he-man on my right foot
seppyk: and man-at-arms on my left foot
gby: wtf
gby: you got like adam and cringer on your hands?
seppyk: i do, but those aren't bandages, those are tattoos
seppyk: im getting a full back painting done soon, arching along my upper back, "By the power of Greyskull."
gby: lol

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I was sorely disappointed today when I went to my workplace break room and found there were no packets of green tea left. They had all disappeared.

I, traditionally, am a water drinker. I drink lots of it. I annoy waiters and waitresses with the amount of water I order during your everyday meal. Most people are 75-80% water weight whereas I am some sort of human-aquabeast hybrid. I don't drink soda any more and never was a coffee drinker.

Recently, I've been experiencing coldness in my fingers and nose, especially near lunch time and following lunch time. I can't really explain it. It may be a slowing of my metabolism, low blood circulation, or Reynaud's Syndrome. Here's to self-diagnosing!

I've found a cure to this by drinking a cup of tea - hot. No sugar, no milk, no cream, just the tea please. I'm a bit worried about the additional caffeine, but there are many teas which are caffeine free. Additionally, tea contains considerably less caffeine than coffee on average. It makes me not cold anymore so I think I have to stick with it.

So far I have tried green, earl grey, and apple cinnamon. I prefer the green tea for its simplicity.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Random thought: I am able to fit into an old shirt I used to wear lovingly due to the increasingly shrinking me. The sleeves are short though! I'm not sure if the shirt shrunk, if it's always been this way, or if my arms have increased in length. I take some comfort in the idea of having huge monkey arms merely for the functional possibilities of swinging through trees or, more realistically, reaching further distances to grab things which I am too lazy to stand up and walk to get.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The waiting game

I am currently trying to lose weight for the following reasons. This is a ongoing task:

1. More healthy - Being more healthy improves my circulation, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and resting pulse levels. This also gives me higher levels of endurance and cardio levels which applies to many things.
2. More attractive - Despite the fact that people talk about being attracted to confidence, personality, and sense of humor, many people will not consider dating someone to learn about their personality if they do not initially find the other person attractive on a physical level.

It occurred to me recently to me what is most aggravating about attempting to lose weight - waiting. You can work out heavily and eat sensibly, but most bodies are highly resistant towards losing weight. The human body works hard to maintain a sense of balance and the status quo.

Here is what I am currently doing:
1. Walking/running - I walk for 10-15 minutes to get increased circulation through my legs and loosen up my joints, then I run for a few miles.
2. Eating - My daily diet involves eating a bowl of cereal, a turkey sandwich, a banana, and some sort of stirfry or chicken with vegetables for dinner. I probably consume 1500-1600 calories per day as a conservative estimate.

I weigh myself every Friday morning in my skivvees. I have been losing weight every single week, but it's annoying to see differences in weight loss from week to week. The last few weeks losses have been the following:

* 1.6 pounds
* 3.2 pounds
* 0.8 pounds

This past week I was pretty rigorous with my exercise, increasing my regimen. I also remember having some crackers with peanut butter on a few days, but not an excessive amount. The up and down quantities are confusing to me because I want to reduce my current level of health fanaticism (something I have been doing fairly regularly for the past 7 years).

I am putting in the work required, but I wish it was moving along more quickly which tends to be aggravating.

I understanding this is all unreasonable whining, but it's soothing on a superficial level. :)

Maintain and have patience!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I am running out of books to read. After realizing this, I happily discovered I have about $200 worth of gift certificates available to buy new ones! I love discovering gift certificates at the bottom of my drawer.

Black Company by Glen Cook - Popcorn reading.
Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood - I really enjoyed Handmaid's Tale so giving this a shot.
Blindness by Jose Saramago - Random award winner / recommendation.
A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter Miller - Recommendation.
Godel Escher Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas Hofstadter - Recommendation from a long, long time ago. Decided to finally pick it up.
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell - Recommendation.
Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch - Popcorn reading.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Swollen feet

My left foot (not the movie with Daniel Day Lewis), but my actual left foot is slightly swollen right now due to running. I went a little longer than I had originally anticipated due to a spike in energy level and ended up running for about an hour and change today. It feels really good finishing off that run, but I'm a little hazy right now. When I mean lazy, I really mean wobbly, which is why I'm sitting on my ass right now for recovery. Keep it going.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Soul killing

More IM dicktrash... I'm bored and slowly dying, so on that positive note:

seppyk: this has been one of the longer weeks of work i have ever had
jim: stayed late etc?
seppyk: do you believe in the idea of souls?
seppyk: because my soul is currently DYING
seppyk: more bored than anything else
jim: my soul has been off all week, my sucker body has been stuck at work
seppyk: empty shell of a body
jim: once you become ceo you can enforce a mandatory 4 day work week
jim: to save on expenses
seppyk: dude
seppyk: if i were CEO
seppyk: id quit and get a golden parachute, then retire
seppyk: think big
seppyk: guys, im out of here with my gold plated diapers
seppyk: stuffed with wads of 100 dollar bills
jim: im recording this and sending it to your boss for your next eval
seppyk: shit dude
seppyk: you just totally destroyed my dreams
jim: Yeah, I'm a dream killer
seppyk: you're the type of guy who steals candy from children and clubs baby seals
jim: A regular montgomery burns
seppyk: excellllllent
jim: Smithers! Release the hounds!

Happy weekend all! Curse copy and paste coloring and formatting. I'm blind!!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Old thoughts

Was reading my old blog and had some fond memories and distaste in my mouth at the same time. Needed to copy information so I do not lose them to the ravage of time:

Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.
- William Faulkner

For the beast:
1. God
2. Bard Holtbakk
3. Salmon Portland Chase
4. George Abraham Thampy, III
5. His Honour, Judge Learned Hand
6. Sensei Masataka Mori
7. Poul-Jesper Olsen
8. Inspekdah Deck
9. Yarael Poof

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I have had a problem staying asleep for almost two months now. I have insomnia and I don't know what is causing this problem.

1. I am eating healthy foods.
2. I am eating reasonable portions.
3. I exercise almost every day.
4. I don't feel increased amount of stress in my life compared to when I was sleeping well.

Last night was one of the worst nights I've had since this started as I was laying in bed for hours trying to go to sleep with no success. I feel like hell today and don't want my fatigue to overwhelm other parts of my day-to-day activities.

I'd strongly prefer to not take medication to combat this.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Angry russians

Instant messaging trash from competitive Russians with bad English skills...

gby: dude, you spit on my whole family, thats harsh
gby: apologizing just isn't in the culture

Monday, March 16, 2009

A little less conversation

This past weekend was a rather boring one for me. I entered the weekend with high expectations -- complete my taxes to get it out of my schedule.
-- go out shopping for a new pair of "going out" shoes.
-- go out shopping for new pants and shirts for the rapidly shrinking me.

None of this happened unfortunately.

I had one good workout and another bad one. I started off by walking at a brisk pace to get the blood moving and loosen up my legs for the eventual run, but as I got towards the point where I would take off at a jog, I didn't feel well. I had cold perspiration and wasn't able to focus. This seemed like a familiar sensation, but I couldn't identify it immediately. It occurred to me that this was the feeling I got when I had low blood sugar. I panicked in my head, stopping working out and ate some sweet green grapes. I was feeling better shortly thereafter. As a note, I need to make a better effort at timing my workouts appropriately around meals so I don't feel that again.

I had a long, good conversation with my good friend, "Beast". His real name isn't "Beast", but similar to how I write for myself, I change his name for reasons of privacy. That, plus having the first name of "Beast" is really awesome. We discussed how he perceives himself and how he often attributes himself with a positive attribute and then balances it out with a negative one. I pretty much told him that he was sabotaging himself internally. Upon further reflection, I think negative thought by itself isn't entirely detrimental, but it's more important to transform negative thought into positive critical thinking as long as the critical thinking is done reasonably. No one can truly know a person better than oneself, but, at the same time, certain aspects of personality cannot be determined without external perspective.

I had a great conversation with my sister about personalities and dating of all things. I was amused when she told me that I had an "asian persuasion" which simply is not true for me. Date one asian girl in your dating history and you're typecasted for life? :) I told her what I was looking for and she gave me some good "socializing" tips.

We also discussed how I have a bad habit at not giving people enough chances. You can't really know someone well unless you go out with them a number of times. Even then, in the grand scheme of things, you only will know them on a basic level. However, I realize that I need to be more open in giving people that chance and visa-versa. It's something I will work on.

I think I need to work on thinking less also. :) It's hard to get out of my head and just react based on feel. I don't know how people do that but would like to find out.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Personality type

After a spirited morning discussion with a good friend, we came back around to Myers-Briggs personality typing. My friend is an INFP (Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving).

To quote: "INFPs focus much of their energy on an inner world dominated by intense feeling and deeply held ethics. They seek an external life that is in keeping with these values. Loyal to the people and causes important to them, INFPs can quickly spot opportunities to implement their ideals. They are curious to understand those around them, and so are accepting and flexible except when their values are threatened."

I commented that after taking many different tests, they all ended with the same result for myself:

I - Introversion
N - Intuition
T - Thinking
J - Judging

So I read up on it to see how I match up:

"INTJs apply (often ruthlessly) the criterion "Does it work?" to everything from their own research efforts to the prevailing social norms. This in turn produces an unusual independence of mind, freeing the INTJ from the constraints of authority, convention, or sentiment for its own sake... INTJs are known as the "Systems Builders" of the types, perhaps in part because they possess the unusual trait combination of imagination and reliability. Whatever system an INTJ happens to be working on is for them the equivalent of a moral cause to an INFJ; both perfectionism and disregard for authority may come into play... Personal relationships, particularly romantic ones, can be the INTJ's Achilles heel... This happens in part because many INTJs do not readily grasp the social rituals... Perhaps the most fundamental problem, however, is that INTJs really want people to make sense."

Pretty much scarily spot on. :O

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I am really cold right now. My fingers are turning blue and my nose feels frigid.

1. It is cold right now.
2. I need to eat and my metabolism is slowing down.

How can I tell the difference between the two? I don't really feel hungry, but at the same time, other people nearby aren't cold. I need to find some sort of work mittens that will warm my hands but allow me to continue to type in order to work.

I don't really consider this a major problem or issue (on par with starving plague-ridden children, global poverty, military-industrial complex, etc.), but when you're cold, you're cold. You feel me?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's like riding a bike

Two posts in one day. What is my brain coming to?

I often have little happy thoughts in my brain that I wish I could think of more often. More specifically, positive thoughts, no matter where they may have originated, that spur some sort of memory of positive energy in myself.

I remember I was the last child of my generation to learn how to ride a bicycle, behind my sister and two cousins. It had become a tradition in my family for my uncle to teach all of the kids how to ride a bicycle legitimately. Previously to this point, I had been struggling with balancing with the help of training wheels.

My uncle went through the usual routine of teaching the fine art of riding a bicycle to me. However, there was one catch - a grim warning. He lived in the suburbs, about a 20-25 minute car ride away from where I resided so he mentioned the streets would be light or empty of car traffic while I was learning. The grim warning wasn't to be wary of car traffic while I was learning to ride in the street. This went without saying. He went on to say, "I don't know what it is about how I teach people how to ride a bike, but everyone one of you (my sister and cousins), lost control of their bike and rode into the steel-enforced mailbox on the side of the road. I don't want to put a hex on you, but be careful!"

We started with me trying to get accustomed to my center of weight resting on the small seat of the bicycle. I was unsuccessful a handful of times managing that portion as beginner balancing involves managing your center of weight while starting to move your legs to peddle. Riding a bicycle was not just about balance, but balance in motion.

I started to show improvement, managing the initial mount and movement technique. My uncle proceeded to walk and then jog besides me as I rode the bicycle slowly along the pavement of the street. After a few more attempts, he approached me and said, "Okay, I'm not going to hold the handlebars after you start to get moving, so be ready for it." This warning wasn't very helpful, as I was already anxious to not crash and injure myself, focusing intently on my riding technique and the road ahead of me.

We got started. He ran next to me on the bike as I started to pick up speed. I then remember him saying, "Look, you got it! You got it!". I looked back for a moment to realize he wasn't holding on to the riding bar. He wasn't running along beside me any more.

I then swerved out of control and rode straight into the steel-enforced mailbox.

My uncle ran to me, asking if I was ok. After receiving the all clear, he joked with me about it. "Someone should probably move that mailbox."

I picked myself up and tried again - this time with success.


Not much to discuss in terms of deep meaning today, but I found an interesting post on deodorants and antiperspirant of all things. This topics lead to me to the question of "what makes an antiperspirant prevent or reduce sweating?"

In turn, I found the answer...

Aluminium zirconium tetrachlorohydrex gly.

Pretty much, the chemical works in two ways:
1. It seeps into your underarm pores, clogging them, thereby preventing release of sweat.
2. It also acts an an hygroscopic compound, partially absorbing sweat that does get released.

Now you know.

Friday, March 6, 2009


So, I've recently been on a health kick, exercising rigorously, eating healthy and reasonable portions. I am closing in on my initial goal weight. I thought, this morning, "What is my ideal weight?"

So I checked out some web sites for my height and body type. For my international friends, please forgive me usage of pounds rather than kilograms. Years of living in the U.S. has forever tainted me...

People's choice: 200 pounds
BMI recommendation: 136 - 179 pounds
Metropolitan Life: 164 - 188 pounds
Devine formula: 166 pounds
Robinson formula: 161 pounds
Miller formula: 158 pounds
Hamwi formula: 171 pounds
Health Status: 143 - 178 pounds
FoodFit: 182 - 200 pounds
Health Discovery: 161 - 184 pounds
Shape: 161 - 184 pounds

Statistics (in pounds)
Low: 136
High: 200
Mean: 171.52941
Standard Deviation: 17.83647
Variance (Standard Deviation): 318.13971
Population Standard deviation: 17.30392
Variance(Population Standard deviation): 299.42561

I've come to many conclusions from these numbers. I am amused that in order to meet the healthy low number of the BMI (136), I would more or less look like an emaciated skeleton. Here's to health!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Loose ends

I have my flaws like any other person out there. One of the flaws I've tried to work on is to do a better job at giving people second chances. When I say second chances, this isn't some sort of judgment from up above declaring mercy or charity, but rather I give myself a second chance to reconsider if I have been in the wrong in reacting to another person's actions. Yes, I realize this is playing a tightrope act with the concept, but considering second chances helps me gain perspective about other people and, more important, how I think. If I have a better understanding about how I think and react to those thoughts, I can revise them in a positive fashion.

In the past, I have cut ties completely with past girlfriends or serious interests because lingering on is a painful process. One ex-interest has been staunch in her ability to attempt to maintain contact with me in an attempt to be friends. This has been, for the most part, unhealthy. There's really no other way to describe it.

I was extremely cautious about interaction, wondering if the intention was genuine for friendship or if there was something else at play. Something else was at play.

Why do I think this?

* Endless references to going on vacation with me to traditionally recognized romantic getaway locations.
* Flirtatious talk directed towards me.
* Talk about how our relationship used to be.
* Unceasing directed comments on how I will not "forgive" her for the relationship.

Now, let me be straight. I have said this type of talk makes me feel very uncomfortable and I am not interested in her in an intimate fashion anymore. She goes on, ignoring my remarks. I have communicated that whenever she talks flirtatiously or remarks about visits or vacations, it, again, makes me feel very uncomfortable. She continues, thinking that we have not lost a beat and there is no sense in working and building up a friendship. In other words, there are no broken bridges to mend and we should get along as "friends" in blissful ignorance of unworked out issues. Did I mention she tends to get in contact with me frequently after an ended relationship of her own?

I'm being an idiot.

I've decided to cut that shit off at the pass. I am not without blame, but she was and continues to be a emotional vampire in my life, attempting to gain self-worth through me and my past interest. Well, no more. It's over. Cut the cord. I will not have that negativity in my life any longer.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Minor revelations

No major revelations today. Taking a quiz to pass time. Forgive me.

ho was the last perso​n of the oppos​ite sex to text you?
Probably P. The better questions to ask is what was the meaning of your last text message and did you welcome to message with open mind and open heart?

Can you make yours​elf sneez​e?
I can if I pluck nostril hair. I don't want to give the impression that I have a small chimpanzee in my nostrils, but once a year I have the impetus to groom my nose hair and place my best foot forward. It's a little known fact that grooming your nose hair is one of the best methods to placing your best foot forward. However, no, I don't know which of my feet is the best foot.

What is your curre​nt mood?

What are you doing​ tomor​row?
Errands, taxes, and getting my hair styled. For those uncomfortable with my choice of words there, I am getting a hair cut.

Do you think​ you would​ make a good boyfr​iend/​​​girlf​riend​?
I don't know. :/ Awkward, frowny face! I think if I found the right person to share life with, then we would be good for each other.

Where​ were you at 9am this morni​ng?
Arriving at work, saying hello to the receptionist who for some reason thinks I am extremely shy and ignore her intentionally. Most of the time, thoughts like these are in my own head and not actual reality, but she has explicitly said such things which in turn makes me shy when interacting with her and choose to ignore her... intentionally.

Whose​ bedro​om were you in last?

Who was the last perso​n in your room?

Why do you feel the way you feel?
This question is so broad as to be worthless. If referring to one of the previous questions, I feel impatient because it is Friday and I desperately want to be done with work for the week. If the question is referring to how I feel the way I feel the majority of time, this is a more complicated question relating to years and years of physical, emotional, and psychological scars. Sorry, was that a downer? Cheers!

Who was the last perso​n you yelle​d at?
Bobby Jindal, who although he didn't hear me, unconsciously determined I was yelling about his robot like delivery in the Republican response during this year's State of the Nation speech. I'm liberal in many ways, but conservative in others. Don't distract people from the points in your speech by coming off creepy. This is something you probably knew before being voted Governor.

What does your last messa​ge in your inbox​ say? Who sent it?
I can't say for reasons of privacy. Sorry world!

What are you liste​ning to right​ now?
Some song on Pandora: Everybody Get Up (Circuit Breaker Remix) by Transformer Man.

How has the week been?

Is there​ somet​hing you wish you could​ tell someo​ne but can’​​​t?
Yes, but fear or self-loathing prevents it. :( Cheers! In fairness, the last thing I remember in regards to this question was calling my Dad to tell him that I appreciate him but I was unable to get in contact with him.

Do you sleep​ with the TV on?
No, I can't sleep well with the television running or computer fans buzzing in the background. It usually gives me a really bad night of sleep.

Are you too forgi​ving?
No. If anything, I hold grudges, but I have improved on this quite a bit. I'd say I'm average on the scale of offering forgiveness.

Where​ are your paren​ts right​ now?
Several hundred miles away.

Who do you miss?
Good friends.

What was the last thing​ you put in your mouth​?
Loaded question, but the answer is an overripe banana.

If you could​ have any car what would​ it be?
I don't know. I'm not particularly big into cars. Something with good gas mileage that would be reliable and relatively easy on the eyes. I'm easy to please.

What are you stres​sed out about​?

How many windo​ws are open on your compu​ter?
Nine windows over two monitors! I need bigger monitors and more of them.

In the past week have you gotte​n sick?
No. I am strong like bull and as healthy as an ox. I do not look like a bull or an ox, but you can make whatever internal mental thoughts of my powerful virility in association with the mental and spiritual images of those animals.

In the past week have you gotte​n a hair cut?
No, but I am going for a hair cut tomorrow.

How many myspa​ce profi​les have you had?
One, and I strongly am thinking about deleting it because I don't get messages from friends anymore. I do get messages, but they are usually from strippers or webcam whores. I'm a guy and fully fall into many male stereotypes, but that isn't the kind of social network I am actively looking to develop.

What do you do with most of your time?
I focus on work, sleep, self-improvement, and improving on ways to be vague.

How many cloth​es do you have in your close​t?
Enough to clothe myself, but not as many as I probably need.

On a scale​ of 1-10 how good is life?
5. MEDIOCRITY. Who needs overachievement or even underachievement?

Do you think​ you’​​​ll be a good mothe​r/​​​fathe​r?
I think so. I'm pretty good with kids and I fully welcome to opportunity to evilly mold and nurture a mini-me. I would not make a good mother though and that's something I just have to accept and live with.

How did you feel when you woke up?
Why can't I have a good night's sleep?! UGDFHUGGFUGUGHGHUG. I can't phrase it better than that. I feel "UGDFHUGGFUGUGHGHUG".

How is your hair?
It's a beautiful meadow of lustrous beauty.

Name somet​hing great​ that happe​ned Satur​day?
I exercised for over an hour and didn't feel exceptionally tired. My feet hurt though. I need to wear thicker socks.

Do you like your life as of now?
I like certain parts of my life and dislike other parts of it. I am striving to become better, faster, harder, and stronger. I more or less want to be some sort of super-human robot who can crush things. What things? I don't know, but the crushing part is important.

Do you wish someo​ne would​ call or text you right​ now?
No, I am leaving shortly and don't want to be distracted!

Do you regre​t doing​ somet​hing in the past week?
Yes, but it's nothing major. Everytime I see a question about regrets it makes me think about when some people say they have no regrets because those bad events made them into the person they are today. I usually mentally dry heave when thinking about this response and the selfishness that I associate with it. This thought is brought forward in my mind every time someone mentions the word regret without fail. I consider this fact a positive source of strength.

Do you drink​ coffe​e?
No. I'm not a coffee drinker, rarely drink tea (one or two cups per year), nor soda. I drink water and lots of it. I aggravate waiters and waitresses consistently as restaurants with the amount of water I consume. I humbly apologize to the service industry.

What were you doing​ 20 minut​es ago?
This survey. It is slowly rotting my brain from the inside. Wait -> "UGDFHUGGFUGUGHGHUG".

What were you doing​ yeste​rday at midni​ght?
Sleeping. I was tired last night and went to sleep early.

What can’​​​t you wait for?
I have an unnatural ability to grind things out when I am dedicated to them. I only have trouble waiting for things when I notice no progress in achieving them.

Who was the last perso​n’​​​s voice​ you heard​ over the phone​?
This page is intentionally left blank.

When is your birth​day?

Do you get along​ with girls​?
No way! Icky! I get along with people who I like and am polite enough to get along with people I am indifferent to. I do not get along with people I dislike. To summarize, I'm similar to almost everyone else on the planet.

Do you like surpr​ises?
This depends on the surprise and who is giving it. I would be unpleasantly surprised under the following circumstance. Imagine myself, walking down a narrow street in lower Manhattan. I am strolling along when, all of the sudden, a man pops out and stabs me with a knife, exclaiming, "Surprise!". Yes, unpleasant surprise.

Plans​ for this weeke​nd?
Hair cut, call family, and taxes.

Are you liste​ning to any music​?

How many peopl​e of the oppos​ite sex do you fully​ trust​?
I can't answer this question without incriminating myself. :)

When was the last time you laugh​ed reall​y hard?
I watched the YouTube Office clip where Dwight Schrute was showing the rest of the office on how to perform CPR.

Do you ever keep argui​ng even when you know you’r​e wrong​?
Rarely and I do it to be an asshole. There, I've said it. I did say rarely. :)

Do you have or want any pierc​ings?

What is your favor​ite numbe​r?

Ever flush​ed a fish?
Yes. My first pet was a goldfish that committed suicide because the tank was open and filled too high with water. It was that point in my life where I realized how precious and fragile life truly was. I'm kidding. In reality, I was six or seven years old and thought it was interesting and amusing watching a fish spiral down a toilet.

Do you belie​ve every​ one deser​ves a secon​d chanc​e?
Everyone deserves the chance to redeem themselves, but not everyone deserves that chance immediately or completely in scope.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Following up on yesterdays post, I thought I would share another story which helped shape me into who I am today.

My parents divorced at a very young age. I was less than a year old at the time so I don't remember the messy details of the divorce itself. In my formative years, I grew up without my father present. As I approached by pre-teenager years, my Mom pushed me to join the boy scouts. I wore the uniform, attended meetings to gain badges, attended events to race woodworked boxcars and perform group songs.

My father had re-entered my life at this time, attempting to sew a new and real relationship with me. We started small, meeting Sunday mornings to eat at the local diner for a late breakfast - myself, my sister, and my father. He usually had a plate of eggs and bacon with toast. I usually liked the choice of a bagel with a cheese omelette. Afterwards, we would catch the Sunday matinee. He allowed me to see my first 'R'-rated movie - something my Mom strictly opposed during my early upbringing.

I continued attending scouts once per week and eventually I planned to attend one of the scout jamborees. The jamboree was just a fancy name where scout troops (groups of boys with their scoutmaster) would gather together at a large campground. The intention was to play games, sports, hike, sing songs, and camp out in the wilderness. I was still young and like many of the other boys in my troop, my father came along with me. We participated in some sporting events, hiked, performed a group song, and roasted marshmallows.

Eventually, we decided to turn in for the night. We were laid out in sleeping bags for the entire night with no easy ground on which to sleep. I ended up having a horrible night, my back sore from sleeping on uneven rocky ground and, in turn, dreading another night of camping with that much discomfort.

My Dad and I exited our tent and saw a bunch of troops huddled around a morning campfire, stewing up oatmeal and vegetarian baked beans. Previous to this point, my mind thought of this morning breakfast as authentically rustic, something cowboys would do in the wild west. In reality, appeared like unappetizing, slimy gruel.

Outside the tent, my Dad must have been observing my dissatisfaction. I turned to him and, at the same time, he turned to me and said, "Screw it. Let's get out of here and head to the nearest diner." I remember thinking and wanting the same thing. We departed the campground and did not return for the following night. That was my last night of being a scout, and the start of my general dislike for camping. Howver, it was also one of many countless weekends I had with my father, eating breakfast and sharing company for the rest of the day.

Periodically, I think back to the shared realization we had when we turned towards one another in unison - agreeing to bail on the camping event. That was the first point in my life where I realized I truly was my Father's son.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Revelation 1

I was reading some old favorites posts on MetaFilter. One post asked the question as to what events helped shape your life. I thought I would share in turn.

I met the first girl I had ever truly fell in love with at a party filled with friends, acquaintances, and friends of friends. She was pretty and had a corny girlish charm to her which interested me. At the end of the long night, everyone had either left and those who had not were passed out from excessive alcohol. She was half-asleep, crashing on the living room couch and I remember laying a blanket on her before I took off.

Once we became a couple, she later told me that she laid down on the couch, not because she was tired, but because she wanted me to sit/lay down next to her. She told me that she was annoyed that I didn't make a move that night and that she immediately threw the blanket off her after I exited the apartment because it was excessively hot in the apartment. I laughed, thinking back to the acting she did, pretending to be somewhat asleep.

I had always thought I could read people easily before that point and it changed my perspective on how little I actually know about how other people are feeling and how to relate to them more closely.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The push-up

I have been on a health-kick for the past half-year, focusing on running. I found a great site on pushups with a plan I am going to try out.

Attempting to find and maintain motivation.

Monday, February 23, 2009


I have had one cigarette in my life and nearly coughed up a lung in response to the experience. As such, I can't relate to the feeling some of my smoker friends have described in terms of craving or hungering for another nicotine fix.

Sometimes I wonder if it is the feeling I get when I feel hungry. Am I truly hungry, or is it just weakness in my mind? I find it occurs more frequently when I am bored or my mind isn't occupied which makes sense. The problem is differentiating between actual hunger and the underlying habits buried in my brain.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

This is why you're fat

Saved for future reference and amusement...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Creation rights

Recently, I entered a discussion on licensing, specifically relating to usage of software applications. With the increasing popularity of Web 2.0 technologies, specifically web services, feeds, and mashups, it raised some curiosity in me.

Users can now create mashups of different sites. The content isn't explicitly hosted or created on the mashup site, but the mashup site aggregates the data from a number of other sites. What is the legal implication of this?

The original content (whether it be plain text, markup, source code) is not created on the mashup site. The mashup site creator does not own the content, but is merely collecting it from other sites similar to how a browser collects data from another site. If the content is permissive, then all is well. The authorship site (owner of the content) can give the ability for other users to grab content via feeds (RSS or Atom), web services, or otherwise if explicitly defined in the license for that content.

What if the content is not defined as permissive though? Take for example a random site that scrapes another web site for content and presents it as its own? An explicitly shareable content feed isn't used, but the content is parsed off another site in ways the original author did not intend to distribute his or her work. Is this legal?

What if the mashup site presents advertisements while aggregating content that they don't own or necessarily have permission for? What exactly qualifies as fair use in this context?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

User experience

In an ongoing project, I heard the following in regards to user experience:

"It is good to maintain a consistent user interface between several related components even if the user experience is bad."

I understand the point being made, but is it really good to train the user to get used to a crappy user interface?

The possibilities:
1. Have a bad, but consistent user interface.
2. Have inconsistency in the user interface. One screen is a bad user interface and another similar screen is a good user interface. (Better or worse than #1?)
3. Switch all screens to have the good user interface (Best). The problem is that this won't happen due to lack of resources.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Lazy coders. I sympathize, but sometimes there are lines to be drawn.

Recently, a problem occurred in regards to a particular parameter sent to a method which resulted in a high severity defect against our application. The message was modified to include new information. The message could also come in different formats.

1. The changes in the message were not documented.
2. The code handling the message was not generic.
3. The message parameters were not strongly typed.
4. The message could be formatted in one of two different ways.

There were two suggested solutions to solving this defect.

1. Document the message changes well. Make the message handling code more generic to handle this message more gracefully, yet generically to accomodate future changes. Consider separating the multi-formatted message into two separate messages in order to have a more strict definition for the message.

2. Add an additional guards for the new changes in the message.

Solution #1 was offered by me. This is why good programming and good developers are hard to measure. Adding new guards will solve the immediate problem. The downside is that when new parameters are added to the message in the future (which they inevitably will), the code will break yet again.

I, therefore, emote: *sigh*.

Think generically.